oneHourAgo : '1 hour ago',
xHoursAgo : '{x} hours ago',
xHAgo: '{x}h ago',
oneMinuteAgo : '1 minute ago',
xMinutesAgo : '{x} minutes ago',
xMAgo: '{x}m ago',
lessThanAMinuteAgo : 'Less than a minute ago',
changeYourLocation : 'Change your location',
enterTownPostcode : 'Enter a UK town or postcode',
loading : 'Loading',
localNewsAndWeather : 'Local News & Weather',
localNewsCouldNotBeLoaded : 'Local news could not be loaded',
pleaseWait : 'Please wait...',
retry : 'Retry',
search : 'Search',
sendAnotherComment : 'Send another comment',
showMore : 'Show More',
showLess : 'Show Less',
locationSettingNotAvailable : 'Sorry, location setting is not available for your location',
useMyLocationNotAvailable : 'Sorry the "use my location" feature is not currently available',
anErrorHasOccured : 'Sorry an error has occured, please try again',
locationSettingIsNotCurrentlyAvailable : 'Sorry location setting is not currently available',
locationYourLocationIs: "Your location is set to @",
locationSettings: "Location Settings",
errorTryingToDetectLocation : 'Sorry an error occured trying to detect your location. Please try again',
searchResults : 'Search results:',
searchTerm : 'Search Term',
section : 'Sections',
noResults : 'There were no results for',
thereWasAProblem : 'There was a problem, please try again.',
unableToDetectLocation : 'Unable to detect your location',
useMyLocation : 'Use my location',
locationBetweenCountries : 'Your chosen location falls between two counties. To set your location please select your nearest county to continue.',
moreInfo : 'More information',
lessInfo : 'Less information',
errorAudio : 'Audio playback is unsupported on your device',
errorLive : 'Live streaming is unsupported on your device',
errorContent : 'This content is unavailable',
errorDefault : 'Media playback is unsupported on your device',
play : 'Play',
nowPlaying : 'NOW PLAYING',
mediaUnavailable : 'Media unavailable',
latestSportStories: 'latest sport stories',
moreStories: 'More stories',
navMoreButton: 'More',
navMoreLabel: ' sections',
navFooterSectionsButton: 'Sections',
streamRefreshError: "Sorry, we can't refresh the page.\nPlease try again later.",
streamRefreshButton: 'Refresh updates',
streamShowMoreButton: 'Show more updates',
streamShowMoreError: "Sorry, we can't show more updates.\nPlease try again later.",
offScreenMediaCaption: 'Media caption',
live: "Live:",
watch: "Watch:",
constituencyMore: "Show More...",
constituencySearchNoResults: "Sorry, no results found for '{postcode}'. Please enter a full UK postcode or use the Constituencies A-Z",
constituencySearchInternalError: "Sorry, we are currently unable to provide results for '{postcode}'. Please use the Constituencies A-Z",
constituencySearchConstituencyPath: "/news/politics/constituencies/",
constituencySearchNoResults2016: "Sorry, no results found for '{postcode}'. Please enter a full {region} postcode or use the Constituencies A-Z",
constituencySearchInternalError2016: "Sorry, we are currently unable to provide results for '{postcode}'. Please use the Constituencies A-Z",
constituencySearchNotFound: "Sorry, we couldn’t find a {region} constituency for '{postcode}'. Please try again or use the Constituencies A-Z",
constituencySearchHub: "Sorry, we couldn't find a constituency holding an election for {postcode}. Follow our coverage of the English local elections or Police & Crime Commissioner elections, or try again.",
continuousPlayOpen: "More videos",
continuousPlayClose: "Close more videos",
continuousPlayScrollLeft: "scroll left",
continuousPlayScrollRight: "scroll right",
continuousPlayUpNextLabel: "Up next in {seconds} s",
continuousPlayNowPlayingLabel: "NOW PLAYING",
continuousPlayDismiss: "Dismiss continous play",
continuousPlayCountdownAlert: "Next video in {seconds} seconds, click to cancel. Next programme is {title}.",
continuousPlayAutoplayOpenButton: "Open autoplay panel",
continuousPlayAutoplayCloseButton: "Close autoplay panel",
continuousPlayAutoplayOn: "Autoplay: On",
continuousPlayAutoplayOff: "Autoplay: Off",
continuousPlaySettingsTitle: "Autoplay",
continuousPlaySettingsCopy: "Related media will automatically play next when autoplay is on",
continuousPlayOnText: "Turn autoplay on",
continuousPlayOffText: "Turn autoplay off",
continuousPlayOn: "ON",
continuousPlayOff: "OFF"